viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

POST 1: A country I'd like to visit

Hello everyone, today I'd like to show you one of the countries I love the most, Italy. If I could go someday to there, it would be like "finally, one of my dreams has come true!", because in fact it is one of the places I would really, really want to travel, with other countries like Australia and Sweden.

Venetian Lagoon
Italy has won its recognition of being a very touristic place because of its culture, architecture (those churches builded thousands of years ago are just amazing!), the incredibly kind of food plates, and grateful landscapes like the Venetian Lagoon. If someday I could go there, I would like to visit the famous Pisa tower, take a lot of photos, and a little town called Ravello, inside Salerno’s coast, because it has the same name of my last name hehe. I’d like to know if my older family lived there long time ago, and also watch the view of the coast, it’s a very touristical place of Italy.

Ravello's coast view
I don’t really know if I want to live for a long period there, but I’d like to stay for many weeks, like until I travelled all around Italy. I'm not thinking to go and work there, but I'd like to keep on my major studies somewhere on Italy if I could.