viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

POST 3: The best holidays ever!

Hi! As you have seen on the title, I'm going to talk you about the greatest vacations I've had, and it was on last summer. I went to Algarrobo with my school friends on February, and we spent 10 days there. We were 14 guys, in a house made for 6, so yeah, you can imagine the comfort inside there.

I loved being there because it was great every day, in the day we were enjoying inside the house and at night we went to the beach where we met with more friends! It was like “infinite partying” everyday. Of course, there were days of relaxing, so we could recover from the other days.

It’s also unforgettable because it was in those days when my girlfriend (in that time just a friend) told me she liked me. She had an apartment on Algarrobo and invited me to stay for a couple days. So some days I stayed on my friends house and other days on the apartment, and the last night there, she told me a lot of things, but that’s another large story. It was just incredible.

5 comentarios:

  1. I dont even want to imagine the smell of a small house with 14 guys inside, but besides that, it seems you had lots of fun!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I've never been in Algarrobo. It seems a very nice place !
    I think that you have the greatest vacations ever because of your girlfriend :D that is so sweet :P

  4. 14 in a house for 6! that must be so unconfortable as well as funny... I find algarrobo such a great place for vacations especially if you get a girlfriend!

  5. Ravelo, I can say that since the last summer you are a "macabeo" jajajjaja, Algarrobo is a beutiful place and I was there in the year 2012.
