viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

POST 8: Good and bad points of my life

Hello everyone! Today is a very sunny day and it’s very hot, it feels almost like being on hell L. Anyways, today’s topic is about my super extraordinary ordinary life! Sounds silly, but it’s how I see it. I’m not saying that I hate my life, but personally, I think that it runs through ups and downs.
Let’s talk about my life in general terms: I was born in Santiago, then I moved to Puerto Montt when I was 3, and then back to Santiago when I was 14. I enjoyed a lot living my childhood, and now I always get homesick when I remember it, because it was there where I made all my friends as a kid. It was very sad when my father told me we had to move back to Santiago, so summer of 2010 is a point of my life I didn’t like it so much.
I'm just in love with this city
 But now that I live here (and I think I’m going to stay for a long time) I feel Santiago as my only city where I've lived, and that’s because my life and family fits very well here: I’ve made my closest friends, I’ve chosen what I really like to study, and my family has passed trough a good situation.

2014 has been an excellent year for me, because I entered to the University, I passed all my exams pretty well this first semester, and now I’m about to finish it like in 3 or 4 weeks more. I’m very excited for that! I just can’t wait to finish my first year. I’ve also met my girlfriend this year as you know because, yeah, it’s like the third time I talk about her here (I’m pretty in love haha), so I personally believe I cannot ask for more. Have a nice weekend!

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

POST 7: how green am I?

Hi, today’s topic is about environmental care! It’s an usually heard term these days, especially now with all the global warming problem, pollution in cities, etc. But, why are we where we are? I think it comes mostly from people, yeah; people who don’t take care about environment at all, because they haven’t learned friendly practices to look after the world. It’s true that now television and politicians have promoted recycling and taking care of our dump, but it’s not enough. We need to create more conscious about this, starting in home.

Personally I’ve been more careful lastly these years, because now that I’m 18 I can clearly see what triggers not to be responsible, I mean, always trying to recycle what I use in home, taking everything useless to thrash, and turning off lights when we are not using it. I also love riding my bike, y personally like it more than going to a place by car (but obviously just if is not too long). I’m not part of any organization related to environmental care, and I think I’m not going to join anyone, because I don’t find it necessary, at least for me. I believe just with our will we can change our way to a better and cleaner life.

So, summing up all this topic, our society needs a change on their mentality, especially in Santiago, where I believe it’s more polluted than any other city in Chile. Guys, keep your streets clean, don’t make loud noises, avoid driving when you can, and stop impairing the sky with gases! It's all what I'm asking. Have a nice weekend.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

POST 6: Technologies and society

Hi, today I’m going to talk about a controversial topic that has been among people these years, and it’s about how technologies and socials networks have changed our lifestyle between our relationships.
Social media made us less interactive with people. In my personal opinion, this is what sums up all this discussion: before any existing network on internet, we only had a few options to talk with friends, like talking by phone, or just by seeing them and spending a good talk, nowadays people just sends a pair of messages to know how are each other and that’s all. So, I think relationships are now more distant than before.
Also, for me it’s very annoying when someone is seeing his phone just when it’s talking with me, or when eating, it's very rude. It’s like they are not putting attention to what are you saying, making the situation less comfortable.
However, technology isn’t totally bad, it has also a good point, and it’s to stay communicated with people you can`t see regularly. This also helps to know rapidly if something happens, like on whatsapp, you can know if someone had an accident, needs your help or know where you are.

As a personal experience, I used to spend a lot of time on social networks and technological gadgets, but now that I’m at university I don’t have much time, as I have to spend more time studying and seeing my girlfriend. Good bye!

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

POST 5: My future job

loke those faces!
Hello there, today I’m very tired so I’ll make this very short. I just had an intense exam, so I didn’t sleep well L hope you’ll understand it.

So, my future job, yeah…  Despite it’s pretty obvious that I’m going to work onto something related with dentistry, if I could get another job in wich I’d be pleased, I would take it immediately, like something  related with animals (someday I’m gonna talk about them because I freakin’ love animals!) and somewhere else far away from Chile.

But then again, dentistry: I really like this career, therefore, also be a dentist. Just the idea of talking with my patients, getting them a query and seeing how I help their lives makes me pretty glad. I’d like to work first in a public Health center so I could know how is it to work at public service. Then I would like to have my own query, because I think it’s more orderly and organized. I would like to travel to a lot of Dentistry-related seminaries, so I could still be learning more and more about the job I’ll be doing for an almost entire life. I don’t see me working on an office because I find it pretty boring; I’d like to be running from here to there doing different queries and surgeries.
I still don’t know what Major I’m going to take but I still have a lot of time to decide, as university goes on. I think that’s all, have a good weekend!